Your stories
Gilles and his quest for meaningful work
We met Gilles at the 2023 edition of the Salon des métiers d'art du Québec. Interested in the throw displayed on on...
Team portrait | Sophie or the workshop fairy
Ainsi dès le début, en prenant conscience de son parcours de vie, de ses choix personnels et de ses multiples talents, nous étions déjà sous le charme de Sophie. Après trois semaines de stage à filer le parfait bonheur à l'atelier, la décision fut unanime pour chacune: nous souhaitions poursuivre l'aventure avec Soso.
Ray and Karen | The new collectors
"The attention to detail in the stitching and the choice of fabrics resulted in a visually beautiful piece but also provided great texture and feel, something I was not expecting in a quilt.
" (...)
Peter and Gayle | Trusting the artist
Peter and Gayle ont découvert Le point visible lors de leur visite au salon One of a kind à Toronto. Après avoir rencontré Marilyn, courtepointière et fondatrice, ils furent séduits par son savoir-faire et sa vision.
Denis, the man who made the machines hum
Meeting Denis has become something of a pilgrimage. To do so, take Highway 35 to d'Iberville (Saint-Jean-sur-Richeli...
Benjamin | A quilt for life
Fan of our quilts since the beginning of her pregnancy, Marie-Christine promised herself that she would give one to her child when he was old enough to have his first single bed.
Martin | Make it shine
A baker by profession, Martin is one of those passionate people whose curiosity and motivation are boundless.
Jo Cormier | A quilted coat has stage costume
En septembre dernier, le téléphone sonnait avec une proposition inédite: créer un costume de scène pour le tout premier spectacle de l’humoriste Jo Cormier.
Florence-Léa | A zero waste blanket
RThe undisputed queen of anti-waste in Quebec, Florence-Léa contacted us last May with a challenge: to make a quilt out of used clothes she no longer wore.
Louis | Tribute to an exceptional person, uncle Louis
Louis fait partie de ces gens à part. Ces personnes qui savent nous toucher droit au cœur et qui nous rappellent que l’être humain est foncièrement bon.
Martine | Women’s leadership
In 2019, thanks to the Mentoring Network of the Brome-Missisquoi CLD, Marilyn met Martine Bédard. This mentoring service offers young entrepreneurs the opportunity to be mentored by an experienced entrepreneur. Having found that she had evolved mainly in a male entrepreneurial environment since her beginnings, Marilyn wanted to be mentored by a woman entrepreneur.
Marie & Jean | A piece of art as a starting point
(...) the originality of the proposal, distinctive from the traditional quilt, caught their attention. They were looking for a bedcover that would fit a canvas brought back from their trip to Rwanda in 2018. (...)